Jバーナー 低NOxガス JSL / J-Burner型式 / Type:JSL

- 製品説明
- 色々なタイプのボイラーや焼却炉にマッチングできるようウインドボックスと送風機が別々に設計されているユニバーサルタイプのバーナーです。ご使用目的に合わせてOEM供給することも可能ですので、詳しくはお問い合わせ下さい。
J-Burner is designed that it’s window box and air compressor is separated in order to be fitted various type of boiler and farness. Low NOx type is also prepared.
- 仕様
- 特長
- 外形図
・J-Burner is made by pressed steel plate, and fuel is gas or oil.
・Thanks to window box and air compressor separated design, it can be used for high pressure furnace.
・Positioning of air compressor for burner center is quite free, so burner attachment can be designed compact style.
・Thanks to window box and air compressor separated design, it can be used for high pressure furnace.
・Positioning of air compressor for burner center is quite free, so burner attachment can be designed compact style.